Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bad Credit Contract Phones

Bad Credit Contract Phones

Not being able to pay your mobile phone bills places you in a bad position when it comes to your credit scores. There will be tough consequences for not being able to keep your credit histories in check.  Mobile companies do a background credit check before they do approve your application for a new mobile phone and phone contract. Fortunately, there are companies that have a more relaxed attitude towards poor to bad credit ratings. Although not openly stated, several mobile companies are open to taking a risk on a would be applicant who has had poor or bad credit in the past. Chances of getting a phone application approved are good but it would still be a case to case basis, some do get through others do not. Guarantees are difficult, but there are a few tips on how to increase your chances of getting the phone and phone contract you want.
It is suggested that you go directly to the mobile phone company’s website but that is not always the case other companies would be better targeted by going to 3rd party providers. This just means that some providers prefer to take on the risk themselves while some prefer to pass on the risk to their 3rd party affiliates. Another important piece of advice is to make smart choices when selecting your chosen phone in relation to your credit situation. If your credit is very low, like mineshaft low, you might consider going for a simple phone with a cheap phone contract or if it happens to be on the edge, poor but not enough to pass, a mid-priced phone with a low cost phone contract might do the trick. Try to stay away from recently released phone model contracts unless they fit just right for your credit situation. Research your options, a few suggested companies are Vodafone, Orange, O2,  3 Mobile and T-Mobile.

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